Prototype This Extras

Resources and materials not specific to a particular Prototype This episode.
- The Projects of Prototype This
This presentation looks at the design details of selected Prototype This projects, including the Traffic Busting Truck, Fire Fighter PyroPack, Virtual Sea Adventure, Waterslide Simulator, and Flying Lifeguard, each of which had to be designed, built, and tested in a matter of weeks.
- More Projects of Prototype This
This presentation looks at more of the ridiculous and crazy projects from Prototype This, including the Mind Controlled Car, Boxing Robots, Six-Legged All Terrain Vehicle, Get Up and Go, and Automated Pizza Delivery System.
- Turning Science into Soundbites: Lessons from Prototype This
This presentation looks at the necessary elements to consider when trying to convey technical information to a non-technical audience.
- Turning Science into Startups: Lessons from Television and the Real World
This presentation explores the similarities between creating a television show and building a successful business, including the need to find the right people, understand your market, learn from your mistakes, and love what you do.
- Engineered Reality: Prototyping Inventions for Television
Get a behind-the-scenes view of engineers hacking hardware and software to create new prototypes within time and budgetary constraints for a new TV show.
Published in IEEE Pervasive Computing: Special Issue on The Hacking Tradition, 7(3):24-31, July-September, 2008.
- Behind-the-scenes clips (YouTube)
Taken by Joe Grand during the filming of Prototype This.