Grand Idea Studio

Press Archive

Hacker Japan

Friday, Apr 3rd, 2009

This web site uses characters that may not display properly in all browsers. [ continue ]

MAKE: Blog

Thursday, Mar 26th, 2009

Joe Grand is always getting into something interesting. He’s been a contributor to the pages of MAKE since our very first issue. The man lives the MAKE ethos for sure. [ continue ]

Network World

Friday, Mar 13th, 2009

Joe Grand, a hardware hacker and host of Discovery’s Prototype This! TV show, offers advice on how IT can share information with non-technical colleagues. [ continue ]

Product Design & Development

Sunday, Mar 1st, 2009

The recent poor economy has strengthened the DIY ethos and seems to have led to a shift in commerce. Many consumers seem to be eschewing the latest and greatest innovative products in favor of a lesser model than can be used to just ‘get by’ or be modified to perform the desired task. [ continue ]

Business with Passion TV

Monday, Feb 2nd, 2009

This television series features interviews with people who have successfully transformed their long-term passion into a successful business. Episodes air on Marin County Comcast Cable Channel 26 starting March 9, 2009 and are also available for viewing online. [ continue ]



Joe [Kingpin] Grand Keynote And ...

Hamish & Andy

Episode 161

Business Insider

I'm a hacker who helps people ...