Grand Idea Studio

Press Archive

IT Security Guru

Friday, Apr 11th, 2014

To conclude our series on the L0pht, it was important to reflect on the incident that they will be forever known for, the US Senate hearing. [ continue ]

IT Security Guru

Wednesday, Apr 9th, 2014

It is more than 20 years since a group of Boston-based “makers and breakers” of IT equipment got into the same space and gave it the name “L0pht”. [ continue ]

Android Hacker’s Handbook

Monday, Mar 31st, 2014

Recently, however, hacker/reverse engineer/developer Joe Grand created an open source hardware device called the JTAGulator. It allows a reverse engineer to easily iterate through all possible pinouts and thusly brute-force JTAG pinouts blindly! [ continue ]

The New Yorker

Monday, Nov 25th, 2013

In February of 2008, Levandowski got a call from a producer of “Prototype This!,” a series on the Discovery Channel. Would he be interested in building a self-driving pizza delivery car? Within five weeks, he and a team of fellow Berkeley graduates and other engineers had retrofitted a Prius for the purpose. It would be the first time an unmanned car had driven legally on American streets. [ continue ]


Wednesday, Oct 2nd, 2013

Open any cell phone, router, or just about any moderately complex device today, and you’ll find test points. Quite often at least a few of these test points are the common JTAG / IEEE 1149.1 interface. Joe Grand has come up with a tool which we think will be useful to anyone trying to hack a physical device: The JTAGulator. [ continue ]



Joe [Kingpin] Grand Keynote And ...

Hamish & Andy

Episode 161

Business Insider

I'm a hacker who helps people ...