Press Archive
What can a Daddy really do in this situation? In our case, a lot. Ben and Miles’ Daddy is Joe Grand, a real life computer engineer and a long time staple in the hacker and maker communities. Joe jumped at the chance to help the boys and I jumped at the chance to learn about and document the process. What started out as wishful thinking turned into a project that the whole family brought to life. Our kids got to experience the thrill of taking an idea from concept to reality and learned about the focus and effort that it requires …
[ continue ]Threatpost
One of the longstanding problems in security–and the software industry in general–is the lack of any universally acknowledged authority on quality and reliability. Product testing and certification authorities for software and hardware have existed for many years, but they are sometimes seen as ineffective or beholden to the manufacturers whose products they are testing. Creating an independent organization that will perform these functions could solve much of this problem.
[ continue ]The Washington Post
The seven young men sitting before some of Capitol Hill’s most powerful lawmakers weren’t graduate students or junior analysts from some think tank. No, Space Rogue, Kingpin, Mudge and the others were hackers who had come from the mysterious environs of cyberspace to deliver a terrifying warning to the world.
[ continue ]Bill Martinez Live
Joe Grand joins us to discuss the claims of a hacker attack against commercial airplanes and what, if any, risks to the general public exist.
[ continue ]Gizmodo
Remember the Virtual Boy, Nintendo’s early, failed foray into virtual reality gaming? Twenty years after its release, somebody’s finally figured out the best use for the unwieldily console: Giving all of your friends a handlebar moustache.
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