Stealing the Network: How to Own the Box

Stealing the Network: How to Own the Box is a unique, attack-focused computer security book that combines fiction with real technology. World-renowned security personalities present a series of stories written from an attacker’s point-of-view that portray the “street fighting” tactics used to gain access to computer networks and systems.
The book was chosen as the top computer security book of 2003 in the 3rd Annual Referenceware Excellence Awards, called a “blockbuster” by Wired, a “refreshing change from more traditional computer books” by Slashdot, and “an entertaining and informative look at the weapons and tactics employed by those who attack and defend digital systems” by Amazon.
Joe Grand was the contributing author of Chapter 3, “Just Another Day at the Office,” and Chapter 6, “Flying the Friendly Skies.”
Paperback: 328 pages
Dimensions (in inches): 0.81 x 9.13 x 7.38
Publisher: Syngress; (March 2003)
ISBN: 1-931836-87-6
Available at