Circuit Board Etching Tank
The Printed Circuit Board Etching Tank, created in November 1993, aids in the creation of homemade circuit boards by enhancing and speeding up the etching process. The system is comprised of an acrylic tank, aquarium heating element with thermostat, and aquarium air pump. [ continue ]
Magnetic Stripe Copier
The Magnetic Stripe Copier, created in September 1992, was designed to quickly and easily copy three-track magnetic stripes, such as those located on credit cards, identification cards, and transit tickets. [ continue ]
High-Frequency Single Tone Generator
The High-Frequency Single Tone Generator, created in March 1989, is a simple mischievous device intended to annoy anyone within its range. A simple 555 timer generates an adjustable, high-frequency square wave, which is fed into a piezo buzzer, creating a difficult to locate audio output. For the ultimate in covert operations, the circuitry is hidden within a Sucrets throat lozenge tin. [ continue ]