Grand Idea Studio


Building Robots with Vintage Computer Parts

Monday, Jun 13th, 2005

There was once a time, before home computers, before the Internet, before mobile phones, PDAs, wireless networking, and video games, when hardware hacking was what every aspiring engineer did with their free time. What better way to spend an evening or weekend than trying to build a robot with pieces lying around in your junk bins? This article presents some ideas related to creating your own robot out of vintage computer parts. [ continue ]

Game Console Hacking

Tuesday, Oct 5th, 2004

The highly-anticipated follow-up to Hardware Hacking: Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty, this book focuses on modifying and customizing video game consoles and accessories to do things they weren’t intended to do by the original creators. [ continue ]

IT Ethics Handbook: Right and Wrong for IT Professionals

Friday, Jun 25th, 2004

IT Ethics Handbook: Right and Wrong for IT Professionals is written for those responsible for designing, configuring, deploying, or managing information systems. It covers the ethical dilemmas around many Information Technology (IT) subjects, including the use of defensive tactics or offensive actions, user privacy, data ownership, and employer/employee relationships. [ continue ]

Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent

Thursday, Apr 15th, 2004

Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent is a series of fictional episodes involving real computer security concepts and techniques. The episodes, though they can stand alone, come together as a cohesive series of attacks coordinated by a mysterious person whose aim is to disrupt a continent and make a huge financial score. [ continue ]

Hardware Hacking: Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty

Friday, Jan 9th, 2004

This book has something for everyone – from the beginner hobbyist with no electronics or coding experience to the self-proclaimed “gadget geek.” Take an ordinary piece of equipment and turn it into a personal work of art. Build upon an existing idea to create something better. Have fun while voiding your warranty! [ continue ]



Joe [Kingpin] Grand Keynote And ...

Hamish & Andy

Episode 161

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