Interface Boards

Interface boards are simple, convenient necessities used during product development, testing, or hacking.
Designs are distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-3.0 United States or Attribution-4.0 International licenses.
PICkit In-Circuit Debugger:
Screw terminals to right-angle male header for use with Microchip’s family of PICkit In-Circuit Debuggers.
- Schematic
- PCB: Gerber Plots and OSH Park
- PICKit Pinout Label (Suitable for printing)
FTDI Friend:
Screwless, push-in terminals to right-angle male header for use with Adafruit’s FTDI Friend or compatible adapter.
- Schematic
- PCB: Gerber Plots and OSH Park
LoFive R1:
Breakout board for the LoFive R1, a lightweight SiFive Freedom E310 open source SoC evaluation kit.
- Schematic
- PCB: Gerber Plots and OSH Park